Wishart Medical Centre

Preventive Health Care

Many people are understandably proud of being able to claim that they ‘never go to the doctor’. In some ways this is good news because it means they have no illness needing medical attention. But it might mean that they are missing out on some important preventive health checks, which can keep them healthy.
These checks include:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Pap Smear and Breast Examination (for women)
  • Vaccination Status (for example, we need a tetanus vaccination every 10 years)
  • Cholesterol Level

These checks don’t need to be done very often, but they can be very important in preventing problems, or detecting them in the early stages.

  • You don’t have to be ill to see the doctor once in a while
  • Doctors like seeing their healthy patients as well as their sick ones

We are especially interested in promoting good health and preventing illness.


Eating fruit and vegetables with every meal helps to prevent and control diabetes, high blood cholesterol and constipation. Fresh fruit is the perfect fast food. It is low in fat and kilojoules, high in fibre and vitamins, easy to carry and comes in its own biodegradable wrapper.

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Smoking is a key risk factor for the three diseases that cause most deaths in Australia: ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and lung cancer. We strongly encourage a non smoking policy. We are happy to assist you to quit smoking.

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Diabetes mellitus

It is a condition where the body cannot maintain normal blood glucose levels. Let us know if you have a family history. And some early indicators cold be Blurred vision; Tiredness; Urinating more frequently; Feeling thirsty all the time; Numbness and tingling in the feet or legs; Recurrent infections.

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Hypertention or high blood pressure, describes the pressure exerted by the blood within the arteries. The heart creates this pressure as it pumps blood around the body. Hypertension is a key cause of preventable illness in our society. It is responsible for many strokes, heart attacks and cases of kidney disease.

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Coronary Heart Disease

Disease of the coronary arteries around the heart – leads to heart attacks. Together with the same disease in other arteries, it ultimately leads to the death of nearly half of us.

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Prostate enlargement

It is rare for men under 50 to 55 years to have any problems even if they have slightly larger prostates. The first sign of trouble is usually a difficulty in passing urine: it may be hard to start, and the stream may not be very strong.

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Skin cancer

Regular check ups are especially important for people with excessive exposure to the sun. People who work outdoors are at risk, but so are people who work indoors and spend their weekends or holidays in the sun.

Vaccinations and Immunisations

Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting children against certain diseases. The risks of these diseases are far greater than the very small risks of immunisation.

This sheet covers the why, how and where relating to immunising children and the diseases they can now be immunised against. Tables are included showing the schedule for immunising children.


Cholesterol is essential for your body, as it provides the building blocks for cell membranes, bile acids, vitamin D, and certain hormones. When your blood cholesterol is too high you are at increased risk of heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

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Asthma is a disorder affecting the airways of the lungs. Australia has one of the highest rates of asthma prevalence in the world, along with New Zealand and the UK. Asthma is a chronic condition, one can lead a normal life with the right treatment.

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It means thinning and weakening of the bones. Unfortunately, some people have more risk factors for osteoporosis than others and some of these risk factors cannot be changed.

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It is defined as the time when your periods stop for good. It is a natural part of ageing and happens when your ovaries stop producing the female hormone oestrogen. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves replacing the oestrogen and often the progesterone that your body is no longer producing, with pharmaceutical formulations of these hormones. Doctors especially recommend HRT to women at risk of osteoporosis and heart disease, as HRT is known to help reduce this risk

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Breast Self Examination (BSE)

Breast cancer will affect about one in 15 women. It becomes more common with older age. The chances of survival from this disease are related to its early detection. For this reason, all women over the age of 35 should learn the technique of breast self-examination (BSE). You should perform this examination every month just after your period. If you’re not sure how, ask your doctor or nurse to teach you how to perform the self-examination.

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Travelling Abroad

When planning overseas travel, it is easy to overlook the health risks. It is important to check if any vaccinations are needed for where you are going. Make this check well before you travel, because some vaccines need to be given several weeks apart.

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Sexually transmitted diseases

If you develop symptoms that could indicate you have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) it is important that you discuss them with your doctor immediately. Do not try to diagnose your condition yourself. You could be at risk of acquiring an STD if you have sex with a new partner or if your partner has a sexually transmitted infection

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Hay fever is an allergy

Hay fever is the common name for a condition called allergic rhinitis, which means an allergy that affects the nose. Most people associate hay fever with spring, when airborne pollens and spores are at their peak, but hay fever can occur all
year round.

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Bowel cancer

It can be cured if detected early. See your doctor if an unexpected change in bowel habit (for example, diarrhoea or constipation for no obvious reason).

  • Bleeding from the anus (‘back passage’)
  • Pain and/or swelling in the lower abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty passing faeces or wind
  • Loss of weight
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Pap smear (PAP Test)

It is a test your doctor does to check for signs of cancer of the cervix. The cervix is part of your uterus (womb). During a Pap smear, your doctor takes a sample of cells from your cervix to be tested.

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Work Cover

  • Covers reasonable medical treatment and rehabilitation;
  • Provides weekly payments of compensation if there is incapacity for work after the injury/illness.
  • Assists the staff member to return to work as quickly and safely as possible after their injury/illness

A Workcover Certificate of Capacity is issued by your treating medical practitioner. The Certificate is identifiable as a blue A4 document.

The Workcover Certificate of Capacity provides details of your injury, and if appropriate, your capacity to work.

The initial Workcover Certificate of Capacity must be issued by a general practitioner, and must accompany a Worker’s Claim for Compensation.
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